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Discover how Redtail Telematics solutions have transformed businesses.
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Connected data provides vehicle and driver insight
REDTAIL's expertise facilitates the transformation of connected vehicle data from OEMs into easy-to-understand and insightful data.

Andrew Little
3 min read

Telematics-Driven Claims Deliver Insurer ROI
REDTAIL’s work with insurance companies provides an understanding of the claims processes and the benefits that telematics-driven claims data can provide.

Andrew Little
2 min read

Benefits of a Managed Fleet Program
Fleet management telematics solutions deliver measurable savings and improved efficiencies across various aspects of fleet operations.

Samantha Olsson
1 min read

Fleet Telematics Case Study
A lot of data! However, details of how we work with our customers to understand the benefits of a managed fleet telematics programme below.

Samantha Olsson
2 min read